Joy Kelly
2D artist + Animator

Scouts' odyssey

Created by Team Blue 

Producer- Hanwen Zhuang  
Designers- Areez Memon, Hao Da, Jiale Zhang 
Artists- Tristan Dunlop, Igor Oliveira, Joy Kelly 
Programmers- Gregor McQueen, Haocheng Yang
Sound Design- Elliott Dumbarton 

For this game, Joy created the background 2D assets, such as the trees, tents and other non-character assets, texture painted the 3D objects and created several 2D effects animations, like the puff of smoke or curtain closing, using Adobe Photoshop, Animate and Krita. I also created the game trailer in Adobe After Effects. 

Created at Abertay University Master of Professional Practice in Game Development.

Candy Mage

Created by Team Arran 

Artist /Animator - Joy Kelly

Programers - Oleg Amosov, Chen Yang Bao
Designers- Dongling Li, Yiming Wang
Sound Design - Eliott Dumbarton

Created at Abertay University Master of Professional Practice in Game Development.

Glamis Castle Presents: A Shadow in the Crypt

Created by Team Glamis 

2D Artists/Animator /Sound- Joy Kelly
2D Artist/ Characters- Daisy Hutton
2D-3D Artist - Igor Olivera
3D Artist - Reece Easton
Designer - Ariana Law
Programmer- Gregor McQueen 

Created at Abertay University Master of Professional Practice in Game Development.


Environment  Assets


Concept and Draft

UI and Design

about Joy Kelly


Visual Development and  QA  

Book Illustrator (Current) 
Dorrance Publishing INC.  AUG2021-NOW
Pittsburgh PA USA


Master of Professional Practice in Games Development  
Abertay University, Dundee UK, NOV2023

*To see more details about my work history, ask for my CV.