2D Animation

1. Effect animation for Scout's Odyssey

2. Character animations created for Glamis Castle: A Shadow in the Crypt. Animated using layer parenting of png images in adobe animate provided by character artist Daisy Hutton. (https://daisyhutton2.artstation.com) 

3. Sprite sheets of Glamis Castle characters

4. Animated characters and effects for Candy Mage (produced by Team Arraan at Abertay University)

5. Animated character for Rabbit Pie (global game jam)

Effect and UI animations

Glamis Castle character animations

Sprite Sheets

Created in Adobe Animate and Photoshop, for importing into Unreal Engine.

Candy Mage 

Animated for the game "Candy Mage" using Krita. 

Rabbit Pie

Animations drawn for the game "Rabbit Pie" for Global Game Jam 2023.